Kamis, 18 Oktober 2018

Dialog : Suggestion

A : Hi Dhyne!
D : Hi Aghi!
A : What happened to you? You look so confused
D : Yes Ghi, I'm so confused because I'm thinking about the games for celebrating Independence Day
A : Can I help you with something?
D : Sure, I'll really appreciate it. Do you have any ideas?
A : Yes I do have one. But not here, its too crowded
D : Let's talk about it at My house
A : Okay, lets go !

Senin, 08 Oktober 2018

Analytical Exposition

Online Public Transportation Helps Society in Big Cities

Online public transportations are currently growing rapidly, especally in big cities. For example, in big cities like Bandung or Jakarta if you want to go somewhere, you can just open the application and order the tranportation to a specific location. But online public transportations have positive and negative effects for the society in big citites.
Online public transportations are welcomed nicely by the society in big cities from various circles. Even students are using online public transportations. Calling public transportations also give employment for the society, everyone who has a driving liscense can become a driver. Labors can be online drivers as their part time job in order to increase their income. It is also very easy for the passanger to order and go everywhere they want.
Although online transportation give nice help to the majority of  people, there are some circles who don't like online transportations. For the conventional drivers, online transportations are harmful to them. Because people are using online transportation more than conventional transportations, so then in conclusion the conventional drivers doesn't get any income. If they want to switch to be an online driver, they must have more money to buy a motorcycle or a car. That's why its hard for them to survive if online transportations exist.
Online public transportations are increasing some of the society's income while also decreasing some others. From the side of the online drivers, online facilities give them a lot of benefit, but from the side of conventional drivers, online transportations doesn't help them at all, it harms them even. So in conclusion there are some people that get benefits from online transportations and some who get disadvantages from them, especially in big cities.